Top 7 Survival Skills City Slickers Need

Living in a city is a great experience. You have everything you need at your fingertips including running water, grocery stores with every type of food you can think of, and so many more luxuries.

The majority of America lives in cities, so this is especially scary when thinking about if a terrible disaster happens.

Well, when the worst happens, don’t rely on your favorite grocery store to be open shortly after. This is where you need survival skills.

I’m not talking about hunting down your food and all that fun stuff (although I strongly recommend learning that too.) For folks in the cities who may not hunt or fish each week, there are certain skills you need to master in case a disaster strikes.

Read through these with care, and please don’t skip over any! Each one of these can save your life, so trust me when I say this stuff is important!

  • 1.  Finding Food

We always need food. While we can live without it for a while, food is the  source of energy we will need when the worst happens.  Until the robot apocalypse happens and we all end up being uploaded into an android that has photovoltaic skin to power itself, we’re going to need to keep stuffing our pie holes to survive.

Start improving your knowledge on edible plants and berries as soon as possible. Understanding and recognizing plants that can be either edible or poisonous can be the difference between life and death.

Food should not be your first priority when preparing for a survival situation. Remember, man can live without food for weeks but can die in days (or sooner) without water.

  • 2.  Purify water

Having fresh water is the most important survival skill you can master. When disaster strikes, carrying around bottles of water is not going to cut it.

You need to realize that unless your water is straight from spring, it will more than likely have harmful bacteria in it. If you consume these bacteria, you are playing a guessing game with your life.

  • 3.  How to start and maintain a fire

Even if you live in a hot part of the country or world, knowing how to start and maintain a fire is vital. Not only will it keep you warm, but you also need it to cook. Fire kills parasites and bacteria from raw meat, which can be deadly.

You may say “but why would I need a fire in the city?” Well, I doubt the power will be on during a disaster, so if this happens during the winter, you’ll be cold and unable to cook.

  • 4.  Learn First Aid

We always love to believe doctors will be running around during a disaster looking for anyone in assistance. Let’s be realistic though, they will probably seek a safe haven as well.

Learning basic first aid can save not only your life, but possibly your entire family. If you or someone you know is seriously injured, knowing basic first aid can help avoid it getting much worse.

  • 5.  Learn how to repair your clothing

You need to master this skill as clothing is one of the most important elements when surviving. From basic sewing to making clothes from bolts of cloths or leather it is important to master this skill to help ensure your chances of survival.

Simple sewing techniques can be learned easily, and always make sure to pack a sewing kit in your bug out bag.

  • 6.  Learn how to defend yourself

It is important to understand that during a disaster or emergency there will be a lot of desperate people who will not think twice about harming you and your family just to get to your supplies. Defending yourselves with clubs, knives, and basic hand to hand combat are also necessary skills to learn.

  • 7.  Expect the Unexpected

The world is full of surprises. Besides the surprise of a disaster, many more things can make surviving increasingly difficult. It is more important than ever to get yourself into a survival mindset right now, before it’s too late.

There are many more skills people living in cities need to learn, but these 7 are a must. Being prepared is the best way to ensure you and your family can survive anything that happens. So get started today learning these skills, and watch out for my next post, where we will dive into the best ways to purify your water.